Tuesday, April 24, 2007


It’s good that the Church Wall at St James has been repaired recently. But traffic at the island continues to be dangerous especially for pedestrians. What we know as a local issue is also a global issue and will be discussed by the United Nations in November this year.

Did you know?

·     Someone is killed or maimed every 6 seconds on the world’s roads.

·     Every three minutes a child is killed on the world’s roads.

·     Road deaths in poorer countries are set to rise by 80% by 2020.

·     Road crashes are the single biggest killer of young people in Europe and the US.

·     Only HIV/AIDS kills more young men worldwide.

·     Road crashes kill on the scale of Malaria and Tuberculosis.


If you want to be part of the campaign then sign the MAKE ROADS SAFE petition when you come to St James.


Fr Andrew


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